Subject: Re: HotJava?
To: Michael K. Sanders <>
From: Joern Clausen <joern@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/06/1995 10:11:42
> Does anyone have the time/inclination/experience to offer to work on
> porting Sun's HotJava browser to various NetBSD architectures?
> <URL:> for more info.
Java looks really cool, but befor porting it to several NetBSD
architectures, could some kind soul please port Motif to several
NetBSD architectures? Otherwise, porting java won't be much fun.
Joern Clausen "What do you think will be the biggest
joern@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE problem in computing in the 90s?"
Universitaet Bielefeld "There are only 17,000 three-letter-
Technische Fakultaet acronyms." [Paul Boutin]