Subject: Re: Finger daemon.
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: Alaric <reed@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/27/1995 18:37:09
On Fri, 27 Jan 1995, Ken Hornstein wrote:

> >Jan 27 14:11:13 reedb inetd[2549]: getpwnam: nobody: No such user
> Finger runs as the user "nobody" -- did you delete that user from your passwd
> file?  If so, either put him back or change your inetd.conf to run as another
> user (running it as "nobody" is the best solution, though).
I added it back in earlier when someone else sent the same message. 
Thanks for all the help people 

> --Ken

Alaric,           | Archery: A deeply seated hatred of paper with bright
Mka Brandon Reed  |  coloured circles printed on it.|