Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.0 com ports
To: Shannon Appel <appel@cea.Berkeley.EDU>
From: Steve M. Acheson <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/03/1994 14:36:27
I've been running 1.0B for several weeks, with no serial port problems (other
than silo overflows).  I've got a USR 28.8 modem that I run slip/ppp over as
well as rz/sz transfers.  I connect using kermit/tip and Seyon.

I have a 16550a card for my serial ports.


On Nov 3, 10:15am, Shannon Appel wrote:
> Subject: NetBSD 1.0 com ports
> I'm wondering if anyone else out there has had problems with modems &
> com ports on NetBSD 1.0.  The com ports themselves work fine, as does
> a mouse connected up to either one, but if interfacing to a modem,
> things spaz out.
> uucico drops the connection after a short amount of time (strangely
> enough, it gets an instant ERROR: line disconnected if run normally,
> but gets to transfer a little bit of info if run with a -x9), while
> tip and kermit both have problems connecting to the modem at all.  any
> ideas?  anyone else seen this?
> Shannon
>-- End of excerpt from Shannon Appel

Steve Acheson                         (415) 604-6555
Sterling Software           
Moffett Field, Ca 94035-1000