Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.0 com ports
To: Shannon Appel <>
From: Adam Glass <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/03/1994 12:42:06
> I'm wondering if anyone else out there has had problems with modems &
> com ports on NetBSD 1.0. The com ports themselves work fine, as does
> a mouse connected up to either one, but if interfacing to a modem,
> things spaz out.
> uucico drops the connection after a short amount of time (strangely
> enough, it gets an instant ERROR: line disconnected if run normally,
> but gets to transfer a little bit of info if run with a -x9), while
> tip and kermit both have problems connecting to the modem at all. any
> ideas? anyone else seen this?
> Shannon
re-read the 'ttys' man page and re-check the /etc/tty entry for that