Subject: Re: NFS crashes over PPP
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: David Gluss <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/05/1994 15:03:47
>>>>> On Wed, 05 Oct 1994 Ken Hornstein said:

    >> NFS expects a reliable protocol like TCP, and PPP supplies a protocol
    >> that may require retransmit by the higher level layer.  Of course,
    >> I don't even know for sure that that is true. (about either one)

    Ken> Actually, "normal" NFS uses UDP.  It really doesn't matter, as PPP is just
    Ken> IP over serial, and TCP will automatically retransmit dropped packets.  NFS
    Ken> knows to retransmit dropped packets as well.

    Ken> Just curious; what is your maxusers set to be?  NOBUF sounds like a resource
    Ken> is exhausted.

I tried 2400 baud.  Made a connection, ls took 60 seconds (3 files) and
the transfer sent zero bytes before locking up.  No ENOBUF messages.

Maxusers is 10.

--David Gluss     408-524-3028