Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.0
To: David Deaven <>
From: Eric S. Hvozda <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/15/1994 13:19:04
David Deaven sez:
> My $0.02: please don't rush a release.
No one is saying release now, or rush.
All I'd like to know is when/if a release is planned in the near future. Near
future by my definition is within the next 6-8 months. I'm also curious about
what features might be included.
I'd upgrade to -current except I don't have the disk space and my box is
currently on my desk at work. Also I have 2 IDE disks. I've seen at least one
person with IDE concerns and -current. So, basically, at this time, upgrading
to -current to a perhaps unstable system is not an option.
Now after I get my box built and I have a SCSI disk and the space, that's
another situation...