Subject: Re: Making Kermit and UUCP lockfile conventions.
To: None <>
From: Craig Harding <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/08/1993 11:03:19
Quentin Conner wrote:

>What I want to know about the lockfile convention is how does it relate
>to a bidirectional getty.  In other words:
>        1)      Is there a getty that will honor the lock and
>                allow one to dial out on the same serial port
>                that getty currently has open?
>        2)      What does *that* getty expect in terms of lockfile
>                conventions?

That's next on my list. I want to use NetBSD for a Public Access Unix site=
with users dialing in and taylor dialing out for a newsfeed. Good, reliable,=
bidirectional serial i/o is a priority.

                                                -- C.
