Subject: creating a user before configuration
To: None <>
From: Hannes Sowa <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 05/21/2002 17:37:58

I need to create a user before the configuration of the port starts.
I have written in my Makefile:

        ${GROUPADD} -g 89 vchkpw;                               \
        ${USERADD} -g vchkpw -u 89 -d ${VPOPMAILDIR} vpopmail   \
        cd ${WRKSRC};                                           \
        ${LOCALBASE}/bin/aclocal;                               \
        ${LOCALBASE}/bin/autoheader;                            \
        ${LOCALBASE}/bin/automake -a --foreign -i;              \

Would that be acceptable or is there a better method to do that?

Thanks and bye,

Hannes Sowa
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