Subject: NetBSD on Crusoe?
To: None <>
From: The Crypto Tiger <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 02/05/2002 21:05:44
Hi all,

I searched the mailing lists and google, and I didn't find anything
on this.

I've been thinking about getting one of the new Fujistu's with the
Crusoe processor, and I'm wondering if there is a successful port
to it.

I haven't received a response form the port-i386 group, and I can't find
anything on the website that makes a reference to it (other than people
asking the same question :).

Thanks! :)

Time exists solely              (\`--/') _ _______ .-r-.  
for the purpose of               >.~.\ `` ` `,`,`. ,'_'~`.          
preventing everything           (v_," ; `,-\ ; : ; \/,-~) \            
from happening at once.          `--'_..),-/ ' ' '_.>-' )`.`.__.')   
stripes at tigerlair dot com    ((,((,__..'~~~~~~((,__..'  `-..-'fL