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Re: License-restricted NetBSD/i386 JDK 1.5.0 now available (tarball and pkgsrc)

thus Todd Vierling spake:
I have made JDK 1.5.0 available in binary form under the Sun Community
Source License binary redistribution terms.  This means that the
builds are not suitable for commercial use, though they should be
covered by the Research Use sublicense terms.

Tarballs are available via:

and I am adding the following packages to pkgsrc shortly:


i tried getting HSQL running today (on i386/2.1-stable). it seems to run fine, but now and then a client which connects to the DBMS and hands over some work (table select or whatever), it gets stuck. after a minute or so the server answers. in the meanwhile the machine runs like a charm. i used sun-jre15/sun-jdk15 for this.

any hints very appreciated as well as general reports on running java on NetBSD.

(the guy installing an art gallery manegement system, which uses HSQL on the i386 machine, said that it's up to the java implementation of NetBSD that it runs crappy. don't believe him as i have a tomcat installation running quite happily...)

to provide pkgsrc-aware versions of this JDK build.  Currently I only
have builds against NetBSD/i386 2.0+, but I plan on adding more builds
(including 1.3.1 for NetBSD 1.6, the last release runnable on that
NetBSD version).

If someone out there has a speedy SPARC running NetBSD 2.x or 3.x and
would like to help out, I need a build environment to make
NetBSD/sparc JDK builds.  (Other platforms are not yet complete in the
BSD JDK patchsets, so I'm afraid those will have to wait for a while.)


Timo Schoeler | |
RISCworks -- Perfection is a powerful message
ISP | POWER & PowerPC afficinados | Networking, Security, BSD services
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There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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