Subject: Re: OT - How to use the mailing list?
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/28/2007 23:38:18
Celius Clefia wrote:
> So if a problem on netbsd-help was solve between 2 people in private,
> the  public cannot view the conversation that took place.


> Threads are sorted automatically according to subject formating.

Approximately.  Email servers assign a message id to each message, and
most clients, when responding to a message, indicate the id of the message
it's replying to.  This information appears in the message's headers.  Any
system (including your own client) that looks at a message archive can
read the message headers and organize them by thread if it so chooses.  

For instance, you message -- the one I'm answering -- has Message-Id  It is in reply to  My email client will insert
an In-Reply-To header with your message's ID in it.  And so on, until we
get tired of talking to each other.  

Your email client probably has a way to display this message's headers. 
You'll find some of what I'm describing there.  

