Subject: Re: An old unix Issue the Delete key how do you fix it
To: None <>
From: Greg Troxel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/05/2007 17:31:17

Dieter <> writes:

> Now... how do we fix programs suffering from this
> "delete-right" brain damage so that the "Delete" key
> does the correct "delete-left" function?  I'm thinking
> mainly of web browsers like links -g and mozilla.
> (On an X terminal talking via Ethernet, presumably no
> wscons involved.)

F that's really what you want, probably then remap the Delete key to
Backspace.  The key point is that in the old days there was a delete key
that sent ASCII DEL.  Modern PC keyboards simply do not have such a key.
The Delete key on PC keyboards really ought to be thought of as
KP_Delete, not Delete.

But if you're on a PC, then in firefox etc. the backspace key will
delete left, and you can ignore the Delete key, and that's pretty much
the right thing even though the keys are mislabled.

If that's not enough help, then please explain what kind of keyboard you
are using, what platform, what kind of xmodmap you have to start with,
and what key you are pushing and what it does that you don't like.

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