Subject: Re: An old unix Issue the Delete key how do you fix it
To: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
From: mowestusa <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/03/2007 20:59:00
Okay, I'm still missing something. I have read the man
pages on wscons and all of the other supporting pages
that deal with supporting programs or parts of wscons.
Then I read the following.

--- "Valeriy E. Ushakov" <> wrote:
> Since wscons "vt100" emulation really emulates
> vt220'ish terminal, it
> makes sense to keep 14 (<- or <X] or BackSpace)
> mapped to Delete
> (generating DEL) and 211 to KP_Delete (generating
> \033[3~).
> The first one matches default VERASE 0177, so
> default mapping matches
> default stty settings.  The latter is already
> described by kD=\E[3~ in
> termcap descriptions of vt220 &co, so it should do
> the right thing and
> provide working "delete-right" out of the box.
> SY, Uwe

Above you seem to indicate that wscons out of the box
should provide "delete-left" by pressing "backspace"
key. It should also provide "out of the box" you say
"delete-right" by preassing the "delete" key. This
does not happen on my old Toshiba laptop.

After reading man wsconsctl it seems like you could
remap the keys, but I have no idea what command would
accomplish this from reading the man page, and how to
make that stick each time you log into the console.
Nor do I know if you can simply add a command to
wscons.conf, to do this either. The man pages don't
spell out that issue for me.

So anyway, I had assumed that there is no easy way in
NetBSD in the console to map the "delete" key in the
3x2 editing area to "delete-right" like it does in
Linux and Windows. It seems very possible that it will
function that way in X, but I'm not interested in X
right now.

So can you make it work like that out of the box, or
is there a simple way to configure the "delete" key in
the 3x2 editing area to "delete-right", or do I just
live with "Ctrl-d" on the commandline in BASH and "x"
in command mode in vim?

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