Subject: Re: drift between csup/cvs, noisy updates, making it more efficient to keep up-to-date..
To: None <>
From: Johann Franz <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/15/2007 06:40:41
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On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 12:59:14PM +1000, George Michaelson wrote:
> I found cvs tiresome, and switched to csup. But then I noticed csup
> wasn't updating where I read mirror, so I tried the trivial switch back.
> Its a very noisy cut between csup and cvs. heaps of stuff appeared to
> have fallen out of CVS maintenance.=20

It might be useful if you pointed out what exactly was missing.

I figure that csup/cvsup isn't updating the local CVS/* files, which isn't
a problem until you switch back to CVS. There you should use with CVS the
update options -dPCA as in "cvs -q -z9 up -dPCA".=20
RTFM in the section "update options" for what each does.

Otherwise I agree that csup/cvsup should be more coherent with CVS.

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