Subject: wsmoused wscons startup messages
To: None <>
From: Robert Ken Francis <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/14/2006 21:08:28
I installed NetBSD 3.0 stable on an ASUS P4SP-MX (i386). It has ACPI =
but no hyperthreading CPU so I carefully did what I could to
use ACPI. This works good. Note that I'm not talking about console =
only, no X yet. The mouse is a two-button Microsoft mouse
older variety but with a wheel. It works fine on another computer.
The only problem I have is with wsmoused (wscons). I set it up =
according the wscons FAQ for console mouse text selection. But for
some reason when I boot up I get lots of the following messages in my =
/var/log/messages when I move my mouse:
wsmoused: ioctl(WSDISPLAYIO_GETWSCHAR) failed
wsmoused: Inappropriate ioctl for device
and I can't see my mouse. (I can see this by running tail -f =
/var/log/messages and then moving my mouse). I have a workaround
where if I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 I can "magically" see my mouse and it seems =
to operate normally, so I can get by it.
I tried looking up the problem, and various things including wscons mux =
and ACPI PCI fixups but nothing changed. It says it's using
/dev/ttyE0 when I first login. I tried changing /etc/ttys and =
/etc/wscons.conf to no avail. I don't have a wsmoused.conf. Maybe
it's a wsdisplay focus problem? Anyone know what could be the problem =
and how to fix it?
Another question I had was with the wscons FAQ which said to "disable =
/dev/console and enable /dev/ttyE0" where I'm not sure what
that means. Is this turning off getty, or, do I comment out =
/dev/console? I tried this with my wsmoused problem and it didn't fix
Also, note that in the wscons FAQ it says to to put in =
wsmoused_flags=3D"-X 4" but if you do this you get an error from =
If I can't fix the problem, then how can implement my workaround?
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