Subject: PostgreSQL client overwritten during pkg_add
To: None <>
From: Claus Andersen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/12/2006 20:34:16
Hello pkg_people,
A spot of trouble in paradise during my daily battles in the trenches.
I was the happy user of:
postgresql81-client-8.1.4 PostgreSQL database client programs
I needed:
php5-pgsql-5.1.5 PHP extension for PostgreSQL databases
Which in turn installed its dependency:
postgresql80-client-8.0.8 PostgreSQL database client programs
Which resulted in client-8.0 overwriting parts of client-8-1:
pkg_add: Overwriting [snip] - pkg postgresql81-client-8.1.4
My questions:
1) Is this just plain expected behaviour?
2) Not expected, so I should file a pr - but against what?
2a) php5-pgsql - should update dependency?
2b) client-8.0 - should fail gracefully?
2c) client-8.1 - not registered correctly as a predessor of client-8.0?
2d) ... ?
As you can see from the above I am not the one to supply a diff :-)
Kind Regards,
Claus Andersen