Subject: Re: sluggish system response during ssh-filetransfer
To: None <>
From: Thomas Feddersen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/09/2006 09:29:44
Am 07.10.2006, 17:10 Uhr, schrieb Manuel Bouyer <>=
> Can you properly ping the box ? open a ssh connection ? resolve =
> hostnames ?
> To me it looks like a DNS issue: while you're running the transfers ov=
> the DSL line it's overloaded, and DNS queries can take a long time.
> The solution would be to run a caching nameserver locally.
Yes, I can ping the server and open a ssh connection using its IP-number=
. =
My little LAN (one private subnet, less than eight computers) has no DNS=
service, the router (which hosts the DHCP service) only forwards =
DNS-queries to the InternetServiceProvider.
Thanks for your advice, I'd like to try it. Can you please recommend a =
suitable software /package?
Kind Regards