Subject: Re: Maintenance & System Cleaning
To: Das <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/09/2006 01:33:20
In message <>, "Das (sent by" writes:
>What the heck are you talking about hijacking?
You are using a thing called "Nabble". Nabble doesn't provide any actual
mailing lists or forums. Instead, they hijack other lists and forums and
present a web interface to them. So, instead of joining the mailing list,
you're using their "service". It's not that it's your fault, but the Nabble
people have been serious jerks to a number of list managers, and there's
a lot of guilt by association here.
>I made a post for NetBSD
>because I use NetBSD, I'm not hijacking any threads, sheesh.
Part of the problem here is the "Anyone?" post. While Nabble may provide
"context" showing that this was related to your previous post ON THEIR SYSTEM,
there was no connection between that post and anything else in the NetBSD
mailing list, so, for those of us who missed the previous message, all we got
was a completely generic message saying "Anyone?"
On the topic of your original question, I really have no idea what you're
trying to do. This isn't Windows, and I've never had to "clean" a BSD