Subject: FreeBSD/Samba add user script syntax
To: None <>
From: Steve A <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/02/2006 19:03:48
I've got Samba set up as a domain controller successfully, and am now 
wanting to user usrmgr.exe and svrmgr.exe to make basic user admin changes 
from a Windows workstation.

Some stuff works, and some stuff doesn't, and I was looking for some help 
with the script sections listed here...

What works:

add user script = pw user add -n %u -g users -c "Windows User" -s
delete user script = pw user del -n %u -r
add group script = pw group add -n %g
add machine script = pw user add -n %u -g winstations -c Windows_Machine -s 

What doesn't work:

delete group script = pw group del -n %g
add user to group script = pw group mod -n %g -M %u
set primary group script = pw user mod -n %u -g %g

What I can't figure out:

rename user script =
delete user from group script =

Does anyone have examples that work that could pinch please?

Many thanks,
Steve :)