Subject: one user segfaulting other users' program - should this be possible?
To: None <>
From: theo borm <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/29/2006 09:46:52

I just encountered a problem with Perl/TK programs being segfaulted by 
other programs. Attached is a very simple example that will segfault 
when one uses specific "gimp" dialogs (also happens when gimp starts).

I /believe/ that the problem is /related/ to Perl/Tk and Tcl not wanting 
to be used together as described in this sourceforge post:

Though I would be /very/ interested in a solution of just this problem 
(other than telling my users not to use the gimp), there is another 
problem that I'm much more concerned about: If user A starts the program 
below, then user B using gimp will segfault it.

What can be done about this? shouldn't (in general) one users' mischief 
be unable to affect another user?

Please correct me if I'm wrong (my view of things may be too simplistic, 
but I'm eager to learn...), but there seems to be a larger issue at 
stake: Apparently program X uses a library x with a name clash with a 
function in library y used by program Y. First program X is started by 
user A, working as expected, then malicious (or igorant) programmer B 
comes along, starting (his own) program Y, loading (his own) library y, 
which subsequently faithfully segfaults user A's program X. How 
exploitable would this be?

with kind regards,

Theo Borm

use Tk;
$mainwindow=MainWindow->new( -title => "Just a Button");
$mainwindow->Button( -text => 'Exit',
	-command => sub { exit(1); } )->pack;