Subject: matlab core dump
To: None <>
From: Lasse Kliemann <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/11/2006 22:45:02
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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I installed Matlab R14 SP3 using the howto and the patches=20
written by Hauke Fath. The system is NetBSD 3.0 stable. I=20
start Matlab with

matlab -glnx86

After that, I see the spash screen, after a while I get the=20

Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucidasans-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-=
*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

and then a core dump. I so far assumed that the message about=20
the font is non-critical.

mount says:

ptyfs on /dev/pts type ptyfs (local)
procfs on /usr/pkg/emul/linux/proc type procfs (local)
kernfs on /kern type kernfs (local)
/dev/raid0g on / type ffs (noatime, soft dependencies, local)

The whole thing is inside of a chroot, and a access it via ssh (with X=20

I did a ktrace on matlab, and the last lines are:

---------- snip ----------

 12889 MATLAB   CALL  ioctl(0,_IO('T',0x13,0),0xa897e988)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   ioctl -1 errno -95 Operation not supported
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  rt_sigaction(0x11,0xbfbf6af8,0xbfbf6a6c,8)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   rt_sigaction 0
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  rt_sigprocmask(1,0xbfbf6c70,0,8)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   rt_sigprocmask 0
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  open(0xa896b725,0x8002,0)
 12889 MATLAB   NAMI  "/emul/linux/dev/ptmx"
 12889 MATLAB   NAMI  "/dev/ptmx"
 12889 MATLAB   RET   open 19/0x13
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  ioctl(0x13,_IO('T',0x1,0),0xbfbf5c5c)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   ioctl 0
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  ioctl(0x13,_IOW('T',0x30,0x4),0xbfbf5d8c)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   ioctl -1 errno -28 No space left on device
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  stat64(0xbfbf5ddc,0xbfbf5d14)
 12889 MATLAB   NAMI  "<A7>^W^L<BD>"
 12889 MATLAB   RET   stat64 -1 errno -2 No such file or directory
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  fcntl64(0x13,1,2)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   fcntl64 0
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  rt_sigaction(0x11,0xbfbf6af8,0xbfbf6a6c,8)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   rt_sigaction 0
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  rt_sigprocmask(1,0xbfbf6c70,0,8)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   rt_sigprocmask 0
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  rt_sigprocmask(1,0xbfbf0c30,0,8)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   rt_sigprocmask 0
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  write(1,0xa8b1b000,0xe6)
 12889 MATLAB   GIO   fd 1 wrote 230 bytes
                                           < M A T L A B >
                               Copyright 1984-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.
                                Version (R14) Service Pack 3
                                           August 02, 2005
 12889 MATLAB   RET   write 230/0xe6
 12889 MATLAB   CALL  kill(0x3259, SIGABRT)
 12889 MATLAB   RET   kill 0
 12889 MATLAB   NAMI  "MATLAB.core"

---------- snip ----------

The whole ktrace.out can be downloaded here:

I am lost at this point. Any help is appreciated!


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