Subject: Re: pppoe stops working
To: None <>
From: Norbert Kraus <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/31/2006 13:06:50
On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 06:00:44PM +0200, David Wetzel wrote:
> I run some machines connected by pppoe to the Deutsche Telekom network.
> I made a cron job that checks if the connection is down and if it is for some time it does a
> ifconfig pppoe0 down
> sleep 5
> ifconfig pppoe0 up
> but sometimes only a "/etc/rc.d/network restart" helps.
> Is there a fix for that?
If there are to many authentication errors, pppoe gives up to reconnect.
You have to either reset the failure count with
pppoectl pppoe0 clear-auth-failure
or you could set the max-auth-failure setting in /etc/ifconfig.pppoe0 to
a higher value.