Subject: can cgdconfig really destroy a protected partition by itself ?
To: None <>
From: typ0 <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/25/2006 04:01:03
After trying to configure a cgd device with the pass-phrase i remembered, it
wasn't being accepted. So i stupidly ended up doing:
zion:cgd root# echo -e "actual passphrase" | cgdconfig -s -v cgd1 /dev/wd0g
aes-cbc 256 <---- stupid, -s is to read the key, not passphrase !
with alg aes-cbc keylen 256 blocksize -1 ivmethod encblkno
zion:cgd root# pwd
zion:cgd root# ls
cgd.conf wd0b wd0b.disklabel wd0g
zion:cgd root# ls -l
total 4
-rw------- 1 root wheel 31 Feb 11 12:29 cgd.conf
-rw------- 1 root wheel 97 Mar 9 2005 wd0b
-rw------- 1 root wheel 635 Mar 9 2005 wd0b.disklabel
-rw------- 1 root wheel 177 Mar 9 2005 wd0g
zion:cgd root# cat cgd.conf
cgd0 /dev/wd0b
cgd1 /dev/wd0g
zion:cgd root# cat wd0g
algorithm aes-cbc;
iv-method encblkno;
keylength 256;
verify_method disklabel;
keygen pkcs5_pbkdf2/sha1 {
iterations 4939;
salt (omitted);
zion:cgd root# mount /usr/free
mount_ffs: /dev/cgd1a on /usr/free: incorrect super block
zion:cgd root# cgdconfig -C
/dev/wd0g's passphrase:
zion:cgd root# cgdconfig -C
/dev/wd0g's passphrase:
ioctl: Device busy
cgdconfig: action failed on "/etc/cgd/cgd.conf" line 2
zion:cgd root# cgdconfig -u cgd1
zion:cgd root# cgdconfig -C
/dev/wd0g's passphrase:
verification failed, please reenter passphrase
btw, /usr/free is in fstab and it's where I mount the cgd1a device.
My question is, did i just lost everything in /dev/wd0g as I read it on , in
method 'none' or am i missing something here ? If I do get my pass-phrase right,
will I still be able to mount my cgd protected partition ?
Thanks in advance