Subject: Re: root shell
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: radhika <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/23/2006 07:37:38
Thanks much. This works great.
> In message <>, Dave Huang writes:
>>On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 10:08:18PM -0600, Peter Seebach wrote:
>>> In message <>,
>>> "radhika"
>>> writes:
>>> >I tried it and get this message:
>>> >>su root bash
>>> >>Password:
>>> >>sh: Can't open bash
>>> Do you have bash installed?
>>Isn't it
>>su root -c bash
> You are of course correct. Sort of. See, the "-c bash" isn't really a
> su argument; it's being passed to the shell.
> On consideration, it's obvious that this has to be the case, because
> otherwise
> you'd be able to override an account's shell (say, an account that
> intentionally has nologin as a shell).
> -s
It is all a matter of perspective. You choose your view by choosing where
to stand.
Larry Wall