Subject: Re: Problem with send-pr
To: Aleksey Cheusov <>
From: Charles Swiger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/15/2006 17:58:16
On Mar 15, 2006, at 6:40 PM, Aleksey Cheusov wrote:
> Can anybody explain me, what it is expected by NetBSD's SMTP server?
RFC-822 (-2822) expects your machine will provide a fully-qualified
domain name when it does a HELO.
> My `hostname` shows me 'chen', my hostname.
Yes. That's not fully qualified.
> I didn't set domain name (where it is specified in NetBSD),
> is it really necessary? I yes, how to obtain it from my ISP
> (PPTP protocol is used for setting internet conncection,
> pppd + pptpclient)?
> IP address is obtains dynamically from my ISP.
> MUA is emacs/gnus, if it does matter.
Using a FQDN is pretty much required if you want to relay mail from
your machine directly, but instead you could forward all email to
your ISP's mailservers as a SMART_HOST.