Subject: Re: Sparcstaion 5 and netbsd
To: None <>
From: Alexander Rigbo <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/31/2005 16:09:23
On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 01:33:34PM -0000, Michael Sodos wrote:
> I have a sparcstation 5 with a cd reader and 2-2 gig hard drives.
> Memory is maxed out. I created an iso of netbsd 2 and popped it in to
> cd reader and it booted up and I installed netbsd or so I thought.
> Took out cd and
> rebooted the machine and lo and behold it just spins the hard drive
> and that is all that happens. Can someone tell me what I forgot to do
> to make this puppy boot netbsd. I do not have a floppy drive so I
> cannot make a boot floppy, and I do not want to always have a cd
> loaded.
> tia!
> mike sodos
What boot-device is openboot set up to boot from?
Press the break button or send a break command from your terminal emulator (if you're using serial console).
When in openboot; type printenv and look for options regarding the boot.
Best Regards
Alexander Rigbo