Subject: Re: how to set a link-level gateway?
To: Chuck Swiger <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/29/2005 22:59:24
Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Timo Schoeler wrote:
>> i have a customers' machine located in a huge german hosting company,
>> and there's a little howto [1] for installing NetBSD there (the machine
>> has console access :)
>> however, i just can't get the network set up (from within sysint or on
>> the shell) to get it connect to the outside world (TM).
> If dhclient is handy, try running that.
dhcp is supposed to be available (AFAIK), but known not to work (for
whatever reasons).
> Otherwise, can you ping
> anything on your local subnet, such as the router?
> If no, what does ifconfig say? Try:
> ifconfig __en0__ inet netmask 0xffffff00
thanks, i'll have a look at that tomorrow morning; however, the netmask
is a weird 0xffffffff (see the URL referenced in my first mail). __en0__
means $interface or MAC address?
> If yes, consider:
> route add default
> [ Substitute appropriate values for your local network & router IP. ]