Subject: Re: NBSD installation
To: None <>
From: David Laight <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/22/2005 21:08:53
On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 08:50:02AM -0700, Jerry VanBrimmer wrote:
> hdb11 is 17GB. Will sysinst see it as it's formatted now, in ext3? Or
> should I reformat that partition before I start the install?
NetBSD (and hence sysinst) uses its own disklabel to split a single
mbr/bios partition into multiple (NetBSD) partitions and hence filesystems.
The disklabel contains absolute sector numbers - so can reference any
part of the disk. It is saved at the start of the netbsd mbr partition.
> I've heard about "bootblocks", what are they?
Typically sector 0 of the disk/the code that resides there.
> > sysinst might try quite hard to replace lilo with the netbsd mbr code,
> > but I think you get to say NO...
> Can anyone confirm this?
Looks like you have to select 'no' 3 or 4 times, but you can escape
without modifying the mbr code.
It is worth pointing out that you can go through all the disk layout
parts of sysinst without it writing to the disk.
It asks a specific question before doing that - so you can escape
(select 'no', type ^C, or hit the powerswitch!)
David Laight: