Subject: Re: Out-of-date pkg_install in NetBSD-2.0.2?
To: pcjul2005 <>
From: Greg Troxel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/15/2005 16:12:53
I don't remember where I got pkgsrc from, but I would guess that it
was whatever pkgsrc-current was on July, 20th, 2005.
It might have been broken. I'd try updating, and removing all your
mk.conf hacks and trying again.
To summarize: is it correct to say that I should download the head of the
pkgsrc-2005Q2 branch (any pointers from which directory to download it?
I haven't looked yet, but I don't remember seeing directories with 2005Q2
in their names) to go together with the netbsd-2-0/200508040000Z that I
already have?
It's a branch tag. 'cvs up -r pkgsrc-2005Q2' in pkgsrc. But head
should be fine too.
Greg Troxel <>