Subject: Re: Cannot install essential commands
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Morio Miki <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/10/2005 23:07:07
Richard Rauch wrote:
>Um, it looks like you have the NetBSD disklabel assigning partition
>a: to the FreeBSD / partition. I think that you should be able to
>boot NetBSD from a partition other than a:, but it is usually put
>on a:.
>There is no requirement that partition a: have a lower start-position
>than any other subsequent partition. (I.e., you don't need to
>physically move FreeBSD's partition in order to do this.) Nor do
>NetBSD and FreeBSD have to agree on the letter assignments.
>Since you didn't say whether you installed NetBSD manually or
>through sysinst, nor which version of NetBSD (the port that you're
>using---i386---has been around since day one of NetBSD), I'm not
>sure what else to say at this point. I'd think that sysinst should
>be smart enough to handle any reasonable configuration.
>(Note that you say you are booting NetBSD, but you report "/dev/rw1f"
>(I assume you mean /dev/rwd1f) is having problems and as being mounted
>as /usr---but your partition table shows f: as being /usr for FreeBSD.
>So either your FreeBSD filesystem is messed up or you are incorrectly
>trying to use a FreeBSD /usr partition as a NetBSD /usr partition.)
>I have dual-booted NetBSD and FreeBSD (and on the same machine and
>at the same time had a working GNU/LINUX distribution)---from one
>disk. I'm pretty sure that I had both BSDs thinking of themselves
>as being on disklabel partition a:, but can't say for sure anymore.
>I didn't have to do anything special to make it all work, except
>for a hiccup where that FreeBSD beta-release did not include a
>necessary file for install (so I wound up installing via FTP).
>You shouldn't have to bend, twist, or force anything to get the
>two to live happily together, as I recall.
>Perhaps others will have more thoughts, or perhaps you can provide
>more information. Good luck.
Thank you for giving me most important piece of information.
I tried to use FreeBSD's /usr partition as NetBSD's /usr partitions.
I installed NetBSD 2.0.2 Release with sysinstall.
But installer automatically set FreeBSD partitions mount point.
It cause this trouble.
I reinstall NetBSD carefully not to mount FreeBSD partitions.
I can boot NetBSD and /usr is OK.
Morio Miki.