Subject: Re: Disk drivers and data errors
To: Greg Oster <>
From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/05/2005 10:04:08
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Greg Oster wrote:
> [hmm... I must have been hiding under a rock and missed this post..]
> Stephen Borrill writes:
>> P.S. When trying to reconstruct a RAID 1 array onto a failed component,
>> why should it panic if unable to write:
>> raid0: initiating in-place reconstruction on column 0
>> raid0: Recon write failed!
>> panic: raidframe error at line 880 file
>> /usr/work/netmanager/netbsd/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/NETMANRAID/../../..
>> /../dev/raidframe/rf_reconstruct.c
> The original RAIDframe code made the assumption that one would never
> try to reconstruct to a disk that has write errors. In general, that
> assumption is fairly true :)
Erm, doing exactly that was the solution recommended to force a sector
remap (I guess you could use dd appropriately prior to attemping
> This problem was fixed some months ago... (it is fixed for 3.0 too)
Any chance of it being backported to 2.0_STABLE?