Subject: adding X11 package to pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Mehul Sanghvi <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/04/2005 15:24:00
I'm trying to add a new package into pkgsrc, and was having some
problems with it.
I'm not sure if this list is the correct place for that sort of help,
so I was wondering
where I could go to for such help ?=20
Essentially, pkgsrc does not have my favourite window manager
(vtwm), which I would
like to make part of pkgsrc. I've got it to the point where it
downloads the source
distribution, unpacks it, configures it, and starts to build it. I
run into build time errors,
which I can't seem to understand.
I get complaints about not being able to find an include file,
even though the
-I option points to the correct path for the include file
(/usr/pkg/include), the include
file is readable by all, and if I execute the compile command on its
own, everything
works just fine.
Pointers to the right place are much appreciated.
Mehul N. Sanghvi