Subject: Re: configuring Ethernet Card (on a IPv4 network)
To: None <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/25/2005 14:51:42
R.Sivaramakrishna Sharma wrote:
> --- Timo Schoeler <> wrote:
>> ifconfig output and the fact that there's not
>> ifconfig.rtk0 show that
>> the card's not set up well (however, i never didn't
>> run into this
>> scenario myself -- was there some error or so when
>> you installed the
>> system?).
> Well error - no, but there was some mistake (?) when I
> configured NIC rtk0; in sysinst - it had configured it
> as a IPv6 interface with IPv4 disabled (i think ?). I
> tried to unset Ipv6 in favour of IPv4 but in vain - My
> ISP does not Yet support Ipv6.
> But as you saw neither ifconfig nor Dmesg gave any
> verbose of IPv6 (:o
>> a simple ifconfig.XXX (please use e.g. rtk0, fxp0,
>> gem0 or whatever for
>> XXX) is like this:
>> up
>> netmask 0xNNNNNNNN media autoselect
>> where is the ip address of the host
>> and the netmask is
>> given in hex, for a /24 that is 0xffffff00
> Now this is a bouncer - I have heard of and used
> netmask in this format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX where XXX is
> any number between 0 to 255 (usually this is
never tried this on NetBSD, maybe it runs, maybe not. i always do the
hex :)
> /24 ? and how does that compute to 0xffffff00 ??
have a look at ;)
> whata bout the gateway and Name Server (DNS) ? Does
> that come into another file?
as in (almost?) every UN*X: /etc/resolv.conf
fulcrum: {2} cat /etc/resolv.conf
; BIND data file
; Created by NetBSD sysinst on Fri Apr 22 22:01:46 2005
(just an example; NB that this host runs a nameserver itself, thus the entry)
> And Do i need to modify
> anytthing in rc.d/ - not very comfy with bsd style
> startup scripts (used Linux a lot - that I got used to
> SysV Style scripts).
when e.g. installing sth. from pkgsrc that runs as a daemon (like
cyrus), then the install script provides a startup script in
/usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d for your convenience.
> I understand that i need to add a 'hostname' for every
> single NIC on the system (incl. Wi-Fi's, Modems, Token
> Rings, FDDI, NICs etc. etc. etc.). the /etc/hosts has
> a - the loopback interface to localhost.
> Now i have a valid private IP - but No valid hostname.
set it in /etc/rc.conf:
# Add local overrides below
> Is it OK (OK as in Alles Korrekt) if I add some dummy
> hostname like 'bsdclient' or something like that .....
> because there is NO way i can get a VALID hostname -
> valid as in internet recognised/recognisable hostname.
> Probably when I start using some service like DynDNS,
> it will be a pain.... but until then .....
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Please excuse my ignorance :o
>> LKMs are supported by NetBSD -- although the GENERIC
>> kernel should run
>> nearly everything you want...
> Should have guessed - most modern (monolith) Kernels
> support LKMs
>> if you like to run a more sophisticated shell (like
>> tcsh, bash etc.)
>> please have a look into pkgsrc/shells
> Thanks; in Linux csh did have basic tab completion
> feature (i think that was tcsh)... just wanted to know
> if this has anything to do with options in ~/.cshrc ?
> something like TAB_COMPLETION=TRUE; (or something
> similar) - seems very sci-fi type but just a wild
> guess ... probably it's wrong. Since TAB Completion
> came by-default on most (all) linux systems, i did
> not need to tweak on that (in fact I have looked at a
> ~/.bashrc or ~/.tcshrc file probably once or twice
> only.
>> There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who
>> understand binary
>> and those who don't.
> hahaha - nice one there; are you a programming geek?!
> :)
i try ;)
Timo Schoeler | |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
Key fingerprint = F844 51BE C22C F6BD 1196 90B2 EF68 C851 6E12 2D8A
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary
and those who don't.