Subject: Re: Problems when updating pkgsrc with CVS
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/02/2005 16:37:22
By the way when I edited my pkgsrc/CVS/Root and did "cvs -q up -dP" I got
the following error:
cvs update: warning: failed to open /root/.cvspass for reading: No such
file or directory
cvs update: authorization failed: server rejected
access to /cvsroot for user anoncvs
cvs update: used empty password; try "cvs login" with a real password
When I thouch'ed /root/.cvspass it gave the same error except for the
first line.
> On Fri, 1 Apr 2005 wrote:
>> This afternoon, when I was updating my pkgsrc with the following
>> command:
>> "cvs -q up -dP" , my laptop freezed (because of Frozen Bubble). So I
>> rebooted it the hard way and I decided to run "cvs -q up -dP" again,
>> since
>> it wasn't finished at the time of the reboot. But after a while I
>> received
>> the following error: "cvs update: CVSROOT must be an absolute pathname
>> (not `X:')
>> cvs update: when using local access method.
>> cvs [update aborted]: Bad CVSROOT: `X:'. "
> Maybe you have corrupted CVS/Root files. Have a look at pkgsrc/CVS/Root
> and other files.
> For example, maybe your pkgsrc/CVS/Root could contain:
> Jeremy C. Reed
> BSD News, BSD tutorials, BSD links