Subject: making of ext2 on NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Tomas D <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/16/2005 12:54:45
Hi, I need to have useable ext2 partition on my
harddisk, so when I initially installed netbsd I
specified partition size and mount point and type but
when I booted up netbsd it didn't come up, I've
checked disklabel /dev/wd0 and it shows size offset
fstype (which is ext2) however [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
values are 0, I was trying to use makefs -t ext2
/dev/wd0g, no joy I've tried newfs no luck too... is
there anything on netbsd that I can use to make that
partition mountable and useable without getting linux
live cd (which as a matter of fact I did mini debian
iso and it had no sata support on it!)
thanks everyone
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