Subject: Re: rsync server
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/15/2005 20:53:03
Manuel Bouyer <> wrote:
> Aiko Barz wrote:
> >
> > I do not want to get the cvs-repository itself. I simply would like to
> > use "rsync" and "make". I don't want to know anything about the cvs,
> > subversion or whatever-structure behind.
> pkgsrc-current is available from /pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-current/pkgsrc/
> I'm not aware of any checked out pkgsrc-2004Q4 tree.
> But CVS isn't that difficult, you just need:
> setenv CVS_RSH ssh (or export CVS_RSH=ssh depending on your shell)
Actually, if you've fetched a pkgsrc tree by FTP or sup, all the CVS
control directories are already present. To update it, once you set
CVS_RSH=ssh in your environment:
$ cd /usr/pkgsrc && cvs update -d -P
does the job, afaict. Anyway, that's what I do.