Subject: Some NetBSD 2.0 binary packages don't work...known problem?
To: None <>
From: Mark Tamola <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/03/2005 00:35:28
I'm trying to install a couple of 2.0 binary packages, and some of them have
failed. For example, I tried to install the mplayer-plugin-firefox-2.70.tgz
package, and pkg_add complained that it couldn't find the mplayer package.
Sure enough, no 2.0 binary package for mplayer itself exists! I only see an
mplayer plugin package for firefox, but no mplayer binary package for
mplayer itself.
I also tried to install the gnome meta-package, and it fails at the very
end. It seems to install all the dependent packages in its dependency list,
but the actual gnome-2.8.1 meta-package does not get installed itself, and
thus does not get listed in /var/db/pkg. pkg_add does not give a reason to
the failure, it simply says the package addition failed. It gets all the way
to installing the last package (which is zenity), and then just fails at the
end. Moreover, when it completes, I still don't see all the gnome
meta-package dependencies listed in /var/db/pkg.
I also installed the firefox-gtk2 binary package, and it seems incomplete.
For example, there is no "file open dialog" chooser when I choose "Open
file..." from the pull-down menus. Is this widget missing? It seems some
other widgets are missing also, since when I do a pkg_delete -vRd, it fails
on many attempts to delete files, saying the packing list is incorrect.
Moreover, certain dialog windows do not display any text at all (for
example, the dialogs to confirm whether or not to ask about moving from
encrypted pages to non-encrypted pages, etc.), and present label-less
buttons which I have to guess to click to proceed.
I've also tried installing the gnome meta-package using pkgsrc, and it fails
every time. In fact, I've tried to install xfce4, gnome, firefox-gtk2,
quake3, mplayer from pkgsrc, and they've all failed at various points,
leaving me with a bunch of their dependent libraries installed on my system,
but no application binaries. I made sure to download the NetBSD-current
pkgsrc.tar.gz and update the pkg_tools before I do a "make" and all that,
and they still don't work.
I apologize as I have no screen captures or log outputs to show. I've
attempted installing these binary packages and source packages many times
with no success. Really, I'm just trying to see if ANYONE ELSE has had
similar experiences with these packages, as I've scoured the mailing lists
and it seems I'm the only one experiencing these problems.
So please, are there extra steps/things to install before I start adding
binary packages to my system? I'm just trying to install the binary packages
using pkg_add from a vanilla NetBSD 2.0 system. What am I doing wrong when
installing these packages?
I've tried to get the gnome meta-package going from both binary and source,
and both fail at various points and never fully install everything they're
supposed to, leaving me with half-baked installations, which is kind of
Any help would be much appreciated, and I will provide more information/log
files/etc. if someone needs that to help me out.
Thanks, and by the way, other than the packages, I'm thoroughly impressed
with NetBSD 2.0. You guys have come a really long way! I've been using
NetBSD since 0.9, back in '93 (?). The network performance and event
notification features are simply AWESOME! The threading implementation is
outstanding as well, and has left me with many endless hours of
experimenting and wasting away nights just playing with the new concepts.
Thanks for a great OS.
But can you please help me out with these packages? Thanks!