Subject: NFS over IPv6 problems
To: None <>
From: Martti Kuparinen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/14/2004 13:55:35

I'm trying to test NFS over IPv6. The server is NetBSD/i386 2.0
and client NetBSD/i386 2.99.11. I have these settings in the
client's /etc/hosts:	server
3ffe:1:2:3::2	server6

I'm able to show the exported filesystem by using the IPv4 address
but nothing works with IPv6:

# showmount -e server
Exports list on server:
/home                              Everyone
# mount server:/home /home
# df -h | grep /home
server:/home    41G      14G       25G    35%    /home

# showmount -e server6
showmount: Can't do Exports rpc: RPC: Unknown host
# mount server6:/home /mnt
mount_nfs: rpcbind to nfs on server: RPC: Timed out

I'm able to "ping6 server6" so the address is correct in /etc/hosts.
I have no hosts.{allow,deny} in the server and server's /etc/exports
looks like this:

/home           -alldirs

All ideas are welcome...
