Subject: Re: Back following a h/d crash (followup)
To: NetBSD Help <>
From: Colin J. Raven <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/11/2004 17:45:10
On Dec 11, Colin J. Raven launched this into the bitstream:

> I didn't disappear, I had a nasty h/d crash and it took me a couple of weeks 
> to get everything back up and running again.
> The qube is now runing nicely with a new 80GB h/d...but mrtg still isn't 
> having any, so I may actually give up on mrtg which is kinda sad because I 
> *really* wanted that app to work. Oh well, there's always nagios & cacti as 
> alternatives. [shudder]
> I wanted to thank all who were in the process of helping me get stuff running 
> but regrettably I lost all my mail Brian, Timo and others, while 
> your actual help emails may have vanished, your kind offers (and efforts) to 
> help during phase 1 have not been forgotten.

I hope others are reading my last email wrapped at 72 characters because 
to my horror my editor isn't wrapping on read...however, do please know 
that I *did* set it to do so:
composer-wrap-column             = 72
Hope the last post didn't drive anyone nuts! :)

Regards to one & all,
Colin J. Raven
NetBSD on a Cobalt Qube2 - - 
Sat Dec 11 17:44:01 UTC 2004
  5:44PM  up  2:40, 6 users, load averages: 1.54, 1.28, 1.20