Subject: Re: help w/ shmat()
To: Dave B <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/02/2004 18:44:13
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Dave B wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 03:40:35PM -0600, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
>> There's no reason to think things would be any different in current...
>> MAXDSIZ on atari is still only 64Mb, while it's 1Gb on alpha and i386.
>> How much memory are you trying to mmap()? There might be a reason why
>> atari's limit is so low, but if you want to find out for yourself,
>> try building a kernel with "options MAXDSIZ (1*1024*1024*1024)".
> ...
> I'd already upped MAXDSIZ to 128*1024*1024 four years ago. Do you
> suspect that this still isn't enough? I've tried the shmget call in my
> test case with a size arg as low as 0x100. No good. I don't know how
> that relates to the calls to mmap(), though (I'm not calling mmap()
> explicitly).
I see. It might well be a bug, then.
> Any other thoughts?
> I'd prefer not to have to try it under -current, if I can avoid that,
> since this machine is a web-server/DNS server/Mail server/shell server
> that I use heavily (it still has 36M of free RAM and 380M of free
> swap, so I imagine physical memory is not my problem). (And, by the
> way, props to TNF, et. al. for letting me make an old 68k machine be
> this useful).
Why not ask on the port-atari list if some others would try out your
test program? The bug will be easier to nail if it can be reproduced
in current (or 2.0, or 1.6.X), and if not, then you could upgrade.