Subject: how do Linux cp(1) options translate to NetBSD's cp options?
To: None <>
From: Henry Nelson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/18/2004 06:30:03
I'm trying to install a program whose Makefile has:
"test -d ${DESTDIR}${LIBSODIR} && cp -pd ${INSTLIBSO} ${DESTDIR}$ {LIBSODIR} ;
cp complains that it has no "d" option.

A websearch indicates that Linux's cp uses:
      same as --no-dereference --preserve=link 
      never follow symbolic links 
      same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps 
      preserve the specified attributes (default: mode,ownership,timestamps),
      if possible additional attributes: links, all

Anyone know what the NetBSD equivalent to `cp -pd` is?  I've read the man
page but don't understand what the differences are between the two cp's.


henry nelson
 | day job: |