Subject: Re: Linux compat fails for some files.
To: Wouter Schoot <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/30/2004 11:21:47
On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 11:02:49AM +0200, Wouter Schoot wrote:
> zei:
> > What I would do is installing all of steam inside the Linux emulation
> > root, and then chrooting to it, in order to have a fully Linux
> > environment.
> Hmm.. Any quick docs on that online somewhere? And when a few bin's work,
> why would the chroot make the rest work too ?
Our binary emulation layer is easily confused by absolute symlinks.
Chrooting the emulation root makes that problem disappear. Note that there
is no easy way to deal with this.
Quentin Garnier.