Subject: Connection to X server failed but X otherwise works
To: None <>
From: Gan Uesli Starling <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/22/2004 15:25:54
I have a program, /usr/pkgsrc/graphics/dx aka OpenDX which used to
work fine before I upgraded my CPU (from 700MHz Celeron to 3.2GHz P4)
and motherboard (from Intel D815PERL to Intel D875PBZ). All other
X functions work fine. I have rebuilt OpenDX but to no good effect.
The error I get is...
Connection to server baal failed - Error during initialization.
...this from OpenDX when it tries to display something in its own
display window.
Can XFree86 work for Firefox, GIMP, Sodipodi and everything else but
fail in this one single way? It had used to work before I made the
I found no obvious clues at the XFree86 website. And there seem to
be no logs by DX in /var/logs anywhere. My XFree86 log is attached,
but looks okay to me...I guess.
Any clue on where to start digging into this would be greatly
appreciated as I made the investment only for OpenDX which I am
needing for work.
Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird
<(+)__ Gan Uesli Starling
((__/)=- Kalamazoo, MI, USA