Subject: Re: xmms and iMic on netbsd/i386
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Keith Moore <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/21/2004 12:31:07
> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, Keith Moore wrote:
> > now if I manually set fea1-i12-master to some other pair of values, I can get
> > xmms to play. but I have to control the volume using mixerctl - xmms's
> > volume control won't do it.
> That's probably because xmms's "volume" control is controlling
> the pcm/dac -- not the master. There's a setting for that in xmms'
> preferences, under "output plugin".
tried changing it, to no effect.
> OSS has a single toggle, while the
> superior native Sun driver let's you choose from any mixer control.
when I try to use the Sun driver, xmms sez:
> ** ERROR **: /dev/audio1: Permission denied
> aborting...
> Abort trap (core dumped)
oh well, at least I can now play tunes at work and use the volume control
on the amp.