Subject: New user looking for install first steps
To: None <>
From: Trey Sizemore <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/08/2004 21:36:38
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New user to NetBSD. I've used Linux for a number of years and done a
few installs of FreeBSD, but not an expert by any stretch. I'm running
a Pentium 4 machine and I've downloaded the i386 install disc for 1.6.2.
I've also downloaded the NetBSD guide as well and plan on using it
during installation as well as post installation.
I was wonder there were some on the list that could share their 'best
practices' as far as steps for installation (or could point to a
resource for this). I will want to install the most recently available
KDE, Gnome, and XFCE packages. By that I mean something along the lines
of what I used for FreeBSD installs (Don't know in the end how similar
it will be, but maybe it's pretty close):
Install a minimal base system and the ports collection.
Install and configure cvsup and portupgrade.
Update your source tree and ports tree.
Make buildworld, kernel, installworld. Run 'portupgrade -a'
Reboot your nice, clean, up-to-date system and start installing apps you
want to use.
I think I'd want to run -CURRENT for the apps to use (understanding it
may not be the stablest environment, but it won't be used in
TIA for any feedback, and I'm looking forward to the install.
"What is the robbing of a bank compared to the FOUNDING of a bank?" --
Bertold Brecht=20
2.6.5-7.98cvs20040702142159-default #1 Fri Jul 2 14:21:59 UTC 2004 i686
9:21pm up 1:03, 3 users, load average: 0.06, 0.18, 0.28=20
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