Subject: pkgsrc update
To: None <>
From: Axel Steiner <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/06/2004 17:17:07
I've a little problem with updating a list of packages :-/
Is it possible to build binary packages, with all required packages,
and install them not until building of all packages is complete
done? Normally the old package will be deleted first, before make update
starts building.
$|=1;@a=(a..z,' ','!',"\n");@n=(9,20,19,27,20,15,1,19,20,5,4,28,
29);for($i=10;$i>0;$i--){print$i;sleep(1);for("\b",' ',"\b")
{print$_ x length ($i);}}foreach$e(@n){print$a[$e-1];}print$a[28];
PGP-Fingerprint: 34A0 EF34 5033 14BE B7C3 D857 6FBD 9AE5 7C09 6C6A