Subject: Re: Diskless Cluster RPCBIND YPBIND problem
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/01/2004 00:36:38
In article <>,
<> wrote:
>I have been setting up a NetBSD diskless 13 node dual processor cluster
>for the past few days. I've followed the netbsd diskless howto, and man
>page. Everything is set up; mpi-ch, nfs, nis, hosts, hosts.equiv, as far
>as I know. The nodes use their vestigial hard disks for swap space and
>share the master servers /usr and /export/client/root, they are the same
>When I boot the clients, each gets their assigned internal hostname and
>domainname according to their hardware address. They all pass execution of
>rpcbind and ypbind and mount the nfs directories.
>My problem is most of them will not authenticate with NIS, when I try
>ypwhich, I get the correct server, when I try ypcat passwd, I get:
> Can't get passwd.byname Reason: Can't bind no server which serves this
>So, I tried rpcinfo and get:
> Can't contact rpcbind: RPC: Remote System Error - connection refused
>If I only boot up 1 or 2 clients, they work OK, as soon as I start adding
>more clients, the ones that boot later seem to mess up the earlier ones.
>I am using NETBSD 2.0F kernel with 1.6.2 dist.
>Here are my rc.conf;
>For master:
There is a PR (10686) on this for the libc yp code that might fix your problem.
Can you please try it out?