Subject: Re: Problems compiling net/sharity-light
To: None <>
From: Wouter Schoot <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/14/2004 09:42:11
On 2004.05.12 12:45:08 +0000, Daniel Bolgheroni wrote:
<snip error sharity-light>
From Sharity lights README:
Sharity-Light is currently based on the modules "proc.c", "sock.c" and
"smbmount.c" of smbfs 0.8, but runs in user-space, not as part of the
kernel. It uses the nfs interface to the kernel. This has several
So I indeed would think that NFS is required. I'll try to build a kernel with
client and server support and will see what happends.
Er was eens een boer. Hij had 3 koeien, 2 witte en 1 witte.
Maar dat gaf niet, want de koe gaf ook niet.
De boer vond een horloge, de koe vond van niet.
Ra-ra kameel politiepet.