Subject: vnconfig fails
To: None <>
From: Axel Steiner <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/30/2004 14:35:46
I'm trying to mount a file image. When I configure 
a pseudo disk device with "vnconfig vnd0 image"
I always get: 

vnconfig: /dev/rvnd0d: VNDIOCSET: Invalid argument

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm using
NetBSD 1.6.2 (i386)


$|=1;@a=(a..z,' ','!',"\n");@n=(9,20,19,27,20,15,1,19,20,5,4,28,
29);for($i=10;$i>0;$i--){print$i;sleep(1);for("\b",' ',"\b")
{print$_ x length ($i);}}foreach$e(@n){print$a[$e-1];}print$a[28];

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