Subject: Problems installing and booting 1.6.2
To: None <>
From: Christoph Dietzschold <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/22/2004 22:38:15
I have got problems installing NetBSD 1.6.2 on an 80 GB hdd. This sounds a
bit strange of course, but I can't help myself anymore.
the hdd has got
255 Heads
63 Tracks
9733 Cylinders
80 GB capacity
I'm able to install the OS correctly (seems like) the geometry for the disk
is detected by NetBSD
255 Heads
63 Tracks
1024 Cylinders
I didn't dare to change this because of the advisory text below the
detected values.
The installation proceeds without any errors. (using the entetie disk
without any changes in the default partitiontable)
After a reboot of the macine, it stops booting with the following lines
biosmask f7fd netmask fffd ttymask ffff
Kernelized RAIDframe activaded
boot device: <unkown>
pressing enter shows up a lot of raid-devices but not the expected wd0
Reinstalling the OS Doesen't either work, because the sysinst-tool says
there is no hdd on this system.
booting with a debian-cd using cfdisk shows up an error (partition is
bigger than hdd) after deleting the partitiontable a reinstall of NetBSD is
Does anyone know what to do in such a situation?
Thanks in advance
Christoph Dietzschold